You have an undiscovered super power.
I am NOT making this up. You literally have a Dr.Strange level superpower.
You can control things with your mind.
Your mind is like a thermostat and you can tell how you've programmed it depending on how satisfied you are with your life.
If you haven't learned how to use your super power- chances are you're probably struggling with things like
- Procrastination
- Boundaries
- Feeling Stuck
- Low-energy
- People pleasing
- Low-self confidence &
- Anger
But here's the good news- It doesn't matter.
It really doesn't matter why your thermostat got stuck there. It doesn't matter what circumstances led to it being there. You can change it.
As long as you're willing to accept this superpower and the responsibility that comes with it- you get to change the way you live your life.
It all starts with one little step...
You're about to BLOW UP your world .
Mind shifting is not for the weak of thoughts.
Coping Mechanisms.
They're great for one thing and one thing only.
Coping mechanisms make you think you're safe. But the reality is that more often than not, they're like old stale crackers. They're just not useful anymore.

Harnessing your subconscious is like doing the impossible
Harnessing your subconscious is like doing the impossible
It's like time-travel or time-line shifting. When you learn to heal your subconscious beliefs using hypnotherapy you basically go back to the moment in time when you locked in that belief and you change it. You give it a different meaning or you simply get rid of it.
And once you do that you change your future. Because if you no longer think the same as the person you were in the past- of course you're going to think differently and feel differently and act differently.
You don't have to do years of therapy to break-free
Do any of these sound like you?⬇️

Low Energy
Day after day, no matter how much you sleep, how much coffee you drink, or how much self-care you take on, you still feel drained. All you want to do is scroll through your phone, watch t.v. and be alone. But at the same time, you feel extreme guilt and despair as you witness your life just passing you by. With The "Energy IV" section of Healing Cove you'll find out what your subconscious needs from you to feel excited. And once you have it you'll feel like you have an IV of juicy energy shooting right up inside your veins.

Lack of Boundaries
Whether it's family that always sucks you into their drama, frenemies taking advantage of you, partners that disrespect you, or anyone else who treats you with anything other than the utmost respect, you lack boundaries. You let people use you because it just makes things feel…easier. Words like "no," "I don't feel like it," or "Stop" feel scary to you. They feel like you are disturbing the peace, and you won't let yourself turn into that person. In the "CEO of my Life" section of Healing Cove you'll learn why your subconscious is so afraid to stand up for itself, heal it and change your programming to that of a CEO that easily does what she needs to do to run a successful life. Including changing peoples positions, firing people from your life and making executive decisions for the greater good of your company (aka-your life)

Feeling Stuck
You're the person that constantly starts things and abandons them. You have big dreams, but when it comes time to take action, you feel a paralyzing fear that stops you from moving forward. People in your life might get frustrated by your choices (Or lack thereof.) You constantly feel depressed, confused, and frustrated by your inability to move forward. In the "Full Speed Ahead" episodes of Healing Cove you'll have a conversation with your subconscious about what is truly holding you back. Once you unlock that you'll reprogram it to blaze through your life with full momentum and excitement.

Not to be confused with being stuck. Procrastinators will see things through. They will get from A-Z, but not before making a thousand pit stops on the way. Procrastinating looks like constantly getting distracted by anything and everything. It takes you way too long to finish a single task, and you typically like to push your luck just about as far as you can with deadlines. (Aaahh the thrill of being under pressure). You may have multiple hobbies creating chaos and clutter in your mind and home. You're constantly spending money on things you don't use, zoning out during conversations, and losing interest in the task at hand. In the "Diligent Daisy" episodes you'll figure out what created your procrastinating habits on a subconscious level and you'll learn to reprogram them so that you always get things done. You'll learn to fully trust yourself and act on that trust on command.

Low self-confidence.
You think everyone has it better than you. Life feels unfair and against you. You have fleeting thoughts that sound like: "Maybe the world would be better off without me," "I'm so stupid," "Nobody loves me," "I'm not enough" and more than thoughts, you have habits and behaviors that reflect those beliefs. Bad hygiene, Little to no grooming, unhealthy lifestyle, little to no social life, self-sabotaging behaviors and an overall negative self-image. Don't worry - The "Look at me!" episodes are here to change that. Low self-esteem is nothing more than really old subconscious programming. Inside Healing Cove you'll get to the root of that belief, yank it, and change it to a full on confidence boost. It is going to be a whole glow-up for your mind.

People Pleasing
You find it hard to express your needs. You're a "YES" person. You go out of your way to do things for others (even when you're busy or tired), and sometimes you feel resentful afterward. It doesn't matter how much someone has hurt you. You will still go out of your way to keep the peace with them. You are often seen as the dependable and reliable one, but people can't ever see how much that label sucks out of you. In the "I said NO!" episodes of Healing Cove you'll learn what subconscious belief is blocking your voice. Heal it and program yourself to be feel safe speaking your honest truths. Including saying: "No thank you." "That doesn't work with me." "I'm not up for it." "And I don't like it." I know it seems impossible now, but your mind will soon change that.

You snap easily. It feels like you're always yelling. You take people's thoughts and opinions personally, which usually leads to fights or deep spirals. You think life is unfair, people are stupid, and you feel a sense of self-loathing. You may have stomach issues and struggle with things like IBS or Gastritis. There may also be a pattern of "ping-ponging" emotions where you alternate between uncontrollable anger and deep guilt that follows lots of apologies. In the "Chill Pill" episodes of Healing Cove you'll learn what your anger is trying to tell you, purge the pain and reprogram yourself to be solid and emotionally mature. After this program you'll literally gain back control of your emotions.
It's Time.
Your super power won't work itself. It's time to see how far you can go when you really learn how to use it.
Inside Healing Cove you'll use the power of Hypnotherapy to:
* Find the root cause of your habits. Finally, you'll be able to come face-to-face with the moments that built you and you'll have the chance to understand them and heal them. Forever changing their hold over you.
*The next phase of your journey. Once you complete the initial healing phase you will be lead to the transformational journey. Healing Cove will provide a way for you to literally change the structure of your brain (using neuroplasticity) so that you can change the way you think, the way you feel and the way you take action.
* Intimacy with your body. In a way you have never experienced before. The next phase of Healing Cove will lead you into a connection with your body so deep that your intuition and your confidence in yourself will be nearly orgasmic.
Imagine having a way to understand why you do the things you do. And then having the tools to heal and change that.
Creating an intimacy with your mind, body and soul that you have been starving for!!
How much would your life change if you finally accepted the transformation?
How much more money would you make if you trusted yourself and your choices? How much more love would you receive if you knew your worth? If you built amazing standards and boundaries? How much healthier would you be if you had the energy to move and the connection with your body?

What is it?
How is it different from anything else out there?
What does it do?
How does it work?
Are my results guaranteed?
Will all episodes be released at the same time?
Do you offer refunds?
There are two types of women
Get stuck in it.
And stay there long enough to also become a part of the problem.
The ones who come across the problem and become a gift to it.
They are the solution.
They are the miracle.
And by being that miracle, they inspire other women.
...Which one do you want to be?