Healing Cove

Using RTT to easily shift your results

Feb 10, 2024

RT What? What is RTT? 

Rapid Transformational Therapy (also known as RTT) is a therapy that harnesses the most fascinating thing in the planet...your mind. RTT combines the most beneficial principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT & neuroscience.

But what does that mean for me?

Ok, so let's say you have a goal. The goal can be literally anything. You might want to lose 40lbs before summer. You may have just started a business and you're trying to be the type of human that is a solid leader and believes in herself. You may be wanting to shift the dynamic of a relationship. 

You really know in your heart, head and soul that having this thing would make you SO happy. It would make you feel like you're winning at life and you know that having this thing would recharge your souls battery, motivate you and inspire you to keep going. 

But there's a problem. For some reason something always happens that stops you from getting anywhere near that goal. 

So if you think of the goal as being on the other side of a locked door (the door is the problem) then all you need to get through is the RIGHT key for that particular door. 

RTT helps you find the exact key you need to get past the problem and gets you through the door. 

Can I find "The Key" without RTT?

If I asked you why that goal hasn't come true yet and you're like most people, the answers may sound something like this:

"I just need to find the right time," "My spouse isn't supportive," "I just need to take a few more classes," " My kids and housework keep me so busy" "I didn't finish college," "I need more funding," I have anxiety," "I'm depressed too often," "My health is so bad," "I'm just always so tired, "Something is always happening that keeps me from moving forward," "Nothing I do works," etc. 

I've heard all of these or different versions of them with each one of my clients. 

But here is the interesting part, in every single case, when I've had an RTT session with a client the REAL Reason ( the actual key) has nothing to do with the things they consciously think are the problem. 

Now, to answer the question- yes there are different ways to find the key. Years of therapy, trying over and over until you hit rockbottom and have a breakthrough, Multiple hypnotherapy sessions...

BUT, what is amazing about RTT Hypnotherapy is that all the answers come from YOUR subconscious. YOUR life's library. You, created the problem and you know exactly what they key is for the solution and with RTT you're able to find that key in under 90 minutes. 

So instead of spending years and thousands of dollars on therapy you go in find the problem, fix it and then see your goal coming to life before your very eyes in a matter of weeks. 

So how does it work?

The transformation is simple. You book a 90 minute session, during which, I'll put you under hypnosis. During the session i'll ask you a series of questions that will lead us to "the key."

Once we find the root cause of why you're not able to move forward we will heal it, and essentially yank it out subconsciously, and we''ll replace your old beliefs with new ones. So instead of "I can't lose weight no matter what" the belief will be "I lose weight easily. It melts like butter."

And when something is programmed subconsciously, it has no choice but to show up in your outer reality. Absolutely everything you are experiencing right now is a result of your subconscious beliefs. 

From your romantic relationships to the clothes you wear to the foods you eat and the amount of money you make, everything is created by your subconscious. 

Is hypnotherapy safe? I really don't want to be randomly quacking like a duck. 

Hypnotherapy is 100% safe and I am sorry if Hollywood made you believe otherwise. Contrary to popular belief no one that is under hypnotherapy will ever do anything that they wouldn't do in their normal walking life. 

During RTT you will be fully conscious. We will be having a normal conversation and you will be fully engaged. The only difference is that we will put your nervous system to sleep and we will bypass your conscious mind. 

We already know your conscious answers (that's where the excuses come from) we need to get to the subconscious answers. The truth about why you don't want to lose weight, make more money, be in a safe relationship...heal whatever beliefs are based on those answers and then program new beliefs that will support your goals. 

Sounds interesting but what if it doesn't work for me?

There are two types of people. The ones it works on and the ones it doesn't work on. And after doing this for years, I can always tell who it will work on.

Here's the thing...This works over 98%of the time. 

Because the woman that come to me are sick of not getting results. They WANT to lose weight, feel sexy, have romance back in their lives, make a lot of money, have purpose, travel, raise happy healthy kids. 

They come in with a 'LET"S GO!" attitude. Part of what pumps them up is that this is different from anything else out there. There are no gimmicks, no "hard work" no people to work with, and there is NO way to B.S the process. It is probably one of the most honest and raw moments you will experience in your life.  

The work is all done from bed with just them and their minds (I just facilitate the process) and then they start seeing results. 

These woman ALWAYS feel and see a shift. 

Now, the women that it doesn't work for are typically women who in some way feel forced to do this work. Their heart's not in it. They try to fight the process and actively resist the therapy session. 

I have a theory that they sign up in hopes I will create a miracle for them but alas, I am not God. I love my work and I'm brilliant at it because it truly has my heart attached to it. But for this to work I have to do my part and you have to do yours. And yours is just to want it, and come in with with a full soul-led YES!

How long will it take for me to see results?

Because the results are heavily based on how much effort you put into it post session I cannot give you a timeline of when you will start to see results in your outer reality. However, I can tell you that most people that come in for things that can be fixed with immediate action like weightloss and financial success tend to see results within 21 days. Things like healing from illness and finding love might take longer as they typically include other people or follow a natural order of change. 

How do I get started?

If you're sick and tired of not being able to open the door book your RTT session HERE. We can have you unlocking that door as soon as next week. 


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