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RTT Therapist
SOMA Breathwork Facilitator
Polyvagal Trained
The secret no one ever told you
You have a superpower. You can create ANYTHING with your mind. Don't believe me? Try this... take a deep breath through your nose and gently exhale through your mouth. Do it a couple of times and then on the count of three command the fingertips on your left hand to feel electricity. 1...2...3..Do you feel it? Do you feel the tingly sensation? Told you! Your mind is your most powerful superpower. Now imagine you learned to use that super power make a lot of money, to create a thriving business where you helped countless people. Imagined you used that power to command your body to get into better shape than when you were in High School. To make your marriage feel like a fairy tale. Imagine that you could use that super power to become a leader in your industry. Every single woman in the world has access to that super power but only very few will ever use it. But let me start at the beginning.
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