Healing Cove


Free Trainings

Imagine a library that is dedicated to helping you take control of your mind. A place where you can learn how to "mind train" your habits. Your mind determines everything that is your life. Your bank account, your love life and your health. Want to start taking control of your choices? Come experience the freedom library.  


Learn more about the Freebie Library

The Ultimate Love Repair Bundle. 

Love is truly the answer to almost all your problems. The way you love yourself teaches people how to treat you. The way you love others grows your happiness, your finances and your impact on the world. Get started healing your heart with this Conscious Babe Workbook & Hypnosis Bundle Today.


Learn more about the Ultimate Love Repair Bundle

The Ultimate Body Programming Bundle. 

Your Body is everything. It is how you connect to your intuition and to your creativity. It is your vessel. Your own individual car. Your spiritual life can be in line, and you can have the greatest mindset, but if you can't connect to your body- then you can't bring your dreams to life. This Bundle is designed to help you make that connection. Say yes to health, feeling and action!


Learn more about the Body Reprogramming Bundle

The Ultimate 

Money Reprogramming Bundle. 

Money is a beautiful tool. The more you have the safer you feel, the more people you have and the more you get to experience. This bundle is designed to help you clear any doubt you have around that and activate your money-making creative muscle so you can start seeing all the possibilities. 


Learn more about the Money Reprogramming Bundle

The Ultimate 

Freedom from Alcohol  Bundle. 

Alcohol is fun until it isn't.  There comes a moment when you realize that you need a break from it. This bundle will help you get that piece of power that has been taken from you back. Get your liver back on track. Get your mental clarity back. Kick anxiety out. Get started now.


Learn more about the Freedom from Alcohol Bundle

Conscious Boozer (Healing Shots) 

Freedom from Alcohol is easy when you know the root of it. Inside CBHS you'll get my 4-step process to speed up your transformation. It's all about training your mind to be completely disinterested in Alcohol and really into loving you. 



Call To Action

Healing Cove. 

Coping Mechanisms and Habits are like your own personal bouncers to life. They're meant to protect you, but are they? If you want to change the way your brain and body work together to help you make choices, this signature program is going to literally make you change your life. 


Learn more about Healing Cove

Your mind is your energy bank account. 

It is the part of you that manages how much money you make (or spend). How much weight you lose (or gain). How much love your receive (or reject). When you know how to manage it and use it, you learn to create the life of your dreams. If you knew healing one part of your life  would have a domino effect on other areas, would you take a chance on yourself and heal it? Learn more about the Freedom Package...


Learn more about the Freedom RTT Package

Love, Health & Money. 

The three major areas of your life need each other. If one starts fumbling, it brings down the other two. But when you take the time to strengthen those three main pillars you become unstoppable. You get the connection and safety that comes with a healed heart. The bank account that comes with the ability to hold the responsibility and acceptance of money. And the fit, strong body that comes with programming your cells to crave health. 


Learn more about the Freedom Trifecta Package