Healing Cove



"The session was absolutely amazing! The calm, warm environment and total understanding I have received from Edna helped me to open completely and dig deep to find the reason of my problems. I am extremely happy with the session and results it brought me. I listened to recording everyday and I feel at least 10kgs lighter. Thank you!"



"My negative money beliefs and patterns are gone. Just like that. I feel so light and free. I can't thank you enough Edna"



"Wow, Edna this was my first session and was so incredible. I can feel how much I let go of, and as soon as the session was over, I was already seeing how I'd let go of those self-sabotaging habits. Instead of going to binge on my phone, I went and created some TIKTOKS for my business and got the things I needed done. I felt so much energy move throughout my head during the session, like all that nonsense in my head was released, it was amazing. I can't thank you enough. Wow, what a life-changing experience! I feel so light and airy"



"The RTT session I had with Edna was very professional. I honestly and confidently believe that I have had a shift of belief. I am good enough I am worthy to receive money into my life. If you are considering working with Edna you will receive the changes you are looking for."



"Edna was sincere and professional. She was able to provide a narrative that fit well into my problem. Recommend"



"Edna held a very professional session. She was friendly and welcoming and set the scene for a successful RTT session. Thank you for making me feel at ease and for my treatment."



"Thank you so much for the session you gave me Edna! You really were so engaged. I felt so seen and heard and understood. You are really a wonderful therapist, with a beautiful voice. I know I have to go through this process of healing my heart. It has been broken, and it needs time to heal. But I really feel that your session will help me to heal so much better. I feel so much lighter now and things are more in place. And I learned to love myself a little bit more. So that really helps. I hope you will help a lot of people. You've got this! Thank you so much!! Love Sabine"



"Wonderful session! Edna’s voice is so relaxing and sweet. She makes you feel comfortable and that makes easier the session. It was my first RTT session and I definitely loved it! I highly recommend it if you want to go deeper into yourself and upgrade some patters for your best. Thank you, Edna"



"My session with Edna was liberating, I feel lighter and closer to my goal. Thank you very much for the amazing session, Edna"



"I was fascinated by the process and the outcome. Many, many thanks for helping to understand and to see everything so clear."



"Honestly, life-changing. I have had multiple sessions before but kept going back to the same scene and couldn't figure out why, as I kept thinking that I had dealt with it and moved on. But Edna dug deeper and found the true meaning and transformation required for me to finally let go and free myself from its chains. I feel so full of energy, so excited and optimistic about the future, and I just want to thank you so much, Edna. You are incredible."



"Edna did an amazing job at making me feel super welcome and at ease. I could feel how much she cared about me and my topic. She guided me through a wonderful session that brought up significant scenes that helped me understand how I created my negative beliefs. I am unbelievably thankful for her guidance and this session. I feel so much lighter now."
