The subtle secret behind weight loss
Apr 30, 2024Did you know that over 45 Million Americans go on a diet each year? What about the fact that 90% of people who lose weight, end up gaining it all back...and then some? Or that the weight-loss industry is worth about 93.8 BILLION dollars?!!!
Here is my take as a subconscious mind expert. There is a very subtle secret that no one that keeps trying and quitting to lose weight really understands.
But first, let me paint a picture on how your subconscious mind works.
Anytime you have a problem it's because of this formula:
Meaning you have a thought, you entertain the thought, you become obsessed with the thought and you think the thought over and over again until it becomes a belief. And then that belief starts to control your emotions.
It controls your nervous system. It sends you into fight, flight or freeze depending on whether your actions are deemed "safe" by the belief and then based on your assessment of what is safe you take (or don't take action.)
So for example, let's say that you want to lose weight. Let's say it's 20lbs. What happens to most people is that they get triggered by something in their life (their clothes don't fit or they want to look like someone on T.V) that trigger makes them emotional and so they go and take action.
They start a diet or go to the gym, but eventually their emotions fade and with them the motivation to lose weight.
And not only that, but when the person does start to lose weight, subconscious will scan the new feelings associated with that weight-loss and if they are deemed unfamiliar they will be flagged as unsafe.
And if feeling thinner, happier or sexier feels unsafe, your mind will send the signals to eat more, start a fight, pull a sad memory or make you believe you are "worthless."
But remember, this is all in the name of keeping you "safe."
So here is the have to learn to make the unfamiliar, familiar.
It is your job to train your mind to shift its beliefs.
This is why most people fail. They are completely skipping out on the first step. The new identity work.
I'm not just talking about having a thought that you want to lose 20lbs and trying to think your way into making that "ok". I am talking about entertaining the thought that you ARE already 20lbs lighter and making all the thoughts, emotions and actions that come with that safe.
I'm talking about programming your mind to make that new version of you the SAFE version of you.
Would being 20lbs lighter make you feel more attractive? dress differently? healthier? Would it make you have different boundaries for what you put into your body? Get excited about that!!!
Celebrate it. Get comfortable with it.
The secret to weight-loss lies in you thinking those thoughts over and over until they become a belief. Until you no longer have to think about it anymore because that is who you are.
Just like the woman you became when you gained weight. When you mindlessly consumed junk food or too much food, and mindlessly chose to sit for longer than you moved.
You must reprogram your mind to mindlessly choose the healthiest foods for your body. To mindlessly decide you want to get up and go for a walk.
The secret lies in shifting your identity so that you lose the 20lbs rather than losing the 20lbs so that you could shift your identity.
If you don't consciously choose to shift your identity then your identity will always remain the same, hence self-sabotage and the regaining of weight.
But how do you do that? How do you shift your identity? That is exactly what I will be teaching inside my next free class: Summer Body Programming on May 13th.
During this class you will learn how to reprogram your beliefs around weight-loss, shift your identity and clear the lies holding you back from taking action.
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